Bone Broth for Cats: Top Meal Supplements

Bone broth has gained popularity as a nutritious and flavorful addition to human diets, and it's not just beneficial for people. Bone broth can also be a top meal supplement for cats, providing them with essential nutrients, hydration, and potential health benefits. In this article, we will explore the advantages of bone broth for cats, how to make it at home, and the top benefits it offers to feline health.

Bone Broth for Cats: Benefits and Nutritional Value

Bone broth offers various benefits to cats due to its high nutritional content and potential health-promoting properties:

1. Hydration Support: Cats are known for their low thirst drive, and dehydration can be a common concern. Offering bone broth can be a great way to increase your cat's fluid intake and support proper hydration.

2. Digestive Health: Bone broth is gentle on the digestive system and can be beneficial for cats with sensitive stomachs. The gelatin in bone broth can help soothe and protect the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Joint Health: The collagen and gelatin in bone broth can be beneficial for joint health and mobility. These compounds provide building blocks for cartilage and help maintain joint function.

4. Immune Support: Bone broth contains amino acids and nutrients that can support a healthy immune system, helping your cat's body defend against infections and illnesses.

5. Nutrient-Rich: Bone broth is a natural source of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are essential for bone health and other bodily functions.

6. Palatability: Many cats find bone broth appealing due to its rich aroma and flavor. It can entice picky eaters to consume their regular meals or supplements.

Making Bone Broth for Cats

When making bone broth for your cat, it's crucial to use animal bones from reputable sources. Ideally, choose organic or grass-fed bones that are free from antibiotics and hormones. Avoid using bones that have been cooked or seasoned, as these may contain ingredients harmful to cats.

Here's a simple recipe for making bone broth for cats:


· Raw or cooked animal bones (chicken, turkey, beef, or fish)

· Water

· Optional: Vegetables (carrots, celery) and herbs (parsley, thyme) - ensure they are safe for cats


1. If using raw bones, you can roast them in the oven for about 30 minutes to enhance the flavor. This step is optional.

2. Place the bones in a large pot and cover them with water.

3. Add any optional vegetables and herbs for added flavor and nutrients.

4. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer.

5. Let the bone broth simmer on low heat for 6 to 24 hours, depending on the type of bones used. The longer the simmer, the more nutrients will be extracted from the bones.

6. Skim off any foam or impurities that rise to the surface during simmering.

7. Once the bone broth is ready, strain the liquid to remove the bones and vegetables. Let it cool before serving.

Feeding Bone Broth to Cats

Bone broth can be served as a meal supplement or added to your cat's regular food. Here are some ways to feed bone broth to your feline friend:

1. Standalone Broth: Serve bone broth in a small bowl as a standalone treat. Ensure that it is at room temperature before offering it to your cat.

2. Broth Ice Cubes: Pour bone broth into ice cube trays and freeze them. You can offer your cat a few broth ice cubes as a refreshing and hydrating treat on hot days.

3. Food Topper: Pour bone broth over your cat's regular food to entice them to eat and enhance the flavor of their meal.

4. Rehydrating Freeze-Dried Food: If you feed your cat freeze-dried food, you can rehydrate it with bone broth instead of water for added nutrition and taste.

5. Medication Administration: If your cat needs to take medication, you can use bone broth to help administer the medicine. Mix the crushed pill with a small amount of bone broth and let your cat lick it up.

Precautions and Considerations

While bone broth can offer various health benefits to cats, there are some precautions to keep in mind:

1. Portion Control: Bone broth should be served in moderation, as it is a supplement, not a complete meal. Too much bone broth can lead to an unbalanced diet.

2. Monitor Sodium Content: If you purchase bone broth, check the sodium content, as excessive salt intake can be harmful to cats. Avoid broths with added seasonings or high sodium levels.

3. Avoid Onion and Garlic: Onion and garlic are toxic to cats and should never be included in bone broth or any other food given to cats.

4. Introduce Gradually: If your cat is trying bone broth for the first time, introduce it slowly to ensure it agrees with their digestive system.

5. Consult Your Veterinarian: Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new food or supplement into your cat's diet, especially if your cat has any pre-existing health conditions or dietary restrictions.


Bone broth is a highly nutritious and beneficial meal supplement for cats. It provides essential nutrients, promotes hydration, and offers potential health benefits for various aspects of your cat's well-being. When made with proper ingredients and served in moderation, bone broth can be a safe and palatable addition to your cat's diet.

As with any dietary change, it's essential to monitor your cat's response and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns or questions. By incorporating bone broth into your cat's diet, you can contribute to their overall health and happiness, providing them with a tasty and nourishing treat they will likely adore.


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